MTA Penn Station Access

The Penn Station Access is an initiative to provide one-seat passenger rail service from New Haven, Connecticut to Penn Station on Manhattan’s west side via Amtrak’s Hell Gate Line. The project improves infrastructure along the Hell Gate Line and also constructs four new Metro-North stations in the Bronx at Hunts Point, Parkchester-Van Nest, Morris Park and Co-Op City.

Melissa Johnson Associates is managing public outreach on behalf of MTA and the design-build team. The project’s outreach strategy relies upon transparency, equitable inclusion of all stakeholders, timely responses to the public, consistent messaging, and access to project updates and information. MJA’s team is responsible for website updates, social media strategy, local grassroots outreach in several communities, print and digital project materials, construction fencing, community partnering activities and other tools and tactics designed to create an open, accessible and transparent infrastructure project.

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