NYSDOT Freight Transportation Plan

NYSDOT is currently updating the New York State Freight Transportation Plan, last updated in 2019. The new plan incorporates national best practices and recommends strategies and projects consistent with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) as well as other relevant federal provisions.

The stakeholder engagement program identifies and incorporates perspectives of different freight operators, industry representatives, policymakers, and members of the public, while understanding challenges and opportunities related to freight logistics and demand for goods movement in New York State. A comprehensive engagement strategy informs the conditions report and identifies the best strategies and actions for moving forward.

Melissa Johnson Associates is supporting the stakeholder engagement effort for the Freight Plan project, which includes providing informational materials for the Freight Working Group, summarizing outreach efforts through meeting minutes, and well as providing graphic design and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for the final Freight Plan materials and reports.

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