Norwalk (CT) Transit District (NTD) initiated a transformational Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA), which represents an opportunity for NTD and the broader Norwalk, Connecticut community to conduct an in-depth analysis of the ways transit serves the Norwalk community, what works well, and how transit service can improve and adapt to best serve the community’s needs.
Melissa Johnson Associates is responsible for community outreach that engages riders, community groups, and members of the public as we shape a vision for the future of transit in Norwalk and southern Fairfield County. Responsibilities of the community outreach program include developing a public outreach plan; organizing stakeholder meetings to ensure that relevant groups are informed of project progress; conducting interviews with project stakeholders; developing community surveys; organizing and facilitating community workshops; organizing pop-up events; and providing notification to municipal leaders, community organizations, and the public of design-related field activities.