MTA Kings Highway Overcoating Painting & Steel Repairs

The Metropolitan Transit Authority is completing structural repairs and painting on the Culver Line (F train) from Kings Highway station to West 8th Street station in Brooklyn. Work includes abrasive blasting, painting, and structural repairs to portions of elevated structure; as well as clearing and removing all trash, debris within contract limits. Improvements are being made to the concrete column bases that support the elevated tracks. This 2.10-mile-long elevated steel structure, is a vital artery carrying riders to and from Manhattan to Coney Island.

Melissa Johnson Associates is responsible for community outreach to motorists, local residents, businesses, commuters, and other stakeholders in the communities of Gravesend and Coney Island. The project’s public outreach manager works with MTA and the project team to develop and distribute notifications of construction- related impacts and ensures that all stakeholders are informed through communication materials distributed in different languages.

MJA is responsible for coordination with surrounding businesses, places of worship, and other city and state projects. The public outreach manager works in coordination with MTA to effectively create dialogue with stakeholders, and to ensure that communications are timely and effective.

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