The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is making accessibility improvements at stations throughout New York City as part of its long-term commitment to systemwide accessibility. This project includes elevators at the 175th Street station, 14th Street-Union Square complex, 14th Street-8th Avenue station, 42nd Street-Times Square station, 125th Street station, West 4th-Washington Square station, Jackson Heights-Roosevelt Avenue station, 74th Street-Broadway station, and Lexington Avenue-53rd Street station. At each of these locations, existing elevators in the station are at the end of their useful lives, and are being placed out of service while replacement is ongoing.
Melissa Johnson Associates is part of the Project Management Consultant team representing the MTA, responsible for managing the design-build team's outreach staff and assisting the MTA with outreach to major stakeholders, including elected officials and the community board. MJA is also responsible for alerting MTA customers/commuters, especially those requiring elevator access to use the subway, of impacts to their commute and alternate access via adjacent ADA-accessible stations. Our outreach manager also assists with notifying the general public surrounding the subway stations of street-level impacts to sidewalks, roadways and parking outside of the subway stations.